Saturday, September 12, 2009

My First Blog

Well hello everyone (if there is anyone reading this), my best friend convinced me that i should start writing a blog. I never considered it before but realized that it would be a great release and outlet for me to reveal what i am thinking about most of the time. i am one of those people that is constantly thinking...what about? about my life, my future, school, money, my relationship, my family, my friends, people that i thought were my friends, things that have gone wrong...pretty much everything. people say you should never have regrets well unfortunately i have a few which usually ends up in me beating myself up over things that i shouldn't. but for this reason is why i finally decided to start writing a blog as getting things out there might help me not constantly think and over analyze everything that is in my head because it is a crazy place in there.

as for the title of my blog "Table for Two" this came from an inside joke with my best girl friend, we are always trying to lose weight and of course were at pizza hut one night and were how large would we be if we worked at pizza hut...well we would need a table for 2 for each of us because we would be extremely large. so that is where that came from. her and i have shared some of the biggest laughs i have ever had and that was definitely one of them. why is Matt Damon in my link for my blog? well this is another laugh that we shared... well pretty much everyone i know has had a large laugh at this. when i was in grade 7 i decided i wanted to shave my head, now this was not a good idea as i had not developed anything yet, i was stick thin, wore boys clothes, didn't pluck my eyebrows, and did not wear makeup... so lets just say a shaved head made me look like a boy. so there were no pictures of famous women with short hair so the only picture i could find for a haircut reference was yes Matt Damon. so now every time i go home to my parents house i get reminded that i once asked to look like Matt Damon when i was really just asking for a short hair cut!!! anyways big mistake!!! It took years to grow out and now i have a phobia of haircuts ha ha

anyways i thought my first post should explain both of the titles i have chosen and give you all a little glimpse into why i have chosen to write a blog. i will be back to write some more and I'm glad to be taking this chance to put my thoughts out there instead of talking the ear off my boyfriend who is probably very happy right now that i am typing and not talking.


  1. hahaha. I remember table for two being when we walk up to the podium to greet a guest we'd be all hunched over and covered in rolls and would ask "table for two?" lol. But I guess at the time that could have been interpreted in 2 different ways hahaha. That's funny that we both have the same inside joke but with a different perception.

    I am so glad you are blogging. For selfish reasons and for concerned friend reasons lol. I love blogs. They make me happy. They will make you happy too. lol

  2. haha ooooooooh yeah i totally remember that now lol and the voice that we said it in! but i guess we would also need a table for two if we were super large so therefore we would need a table for 4!
    aww thanks so i guess my first one was okay?? i shall keep blogging!
